Why Fruits and Vegetables are best to eat
We are always told to eat more fruits and veggies. We set new eating, weight loss, and exercise goals especially for the new year. In order to get the required nutrition and minerals our body need we must add vegetables and fruits in our diet. However, do you know why?
3 Reasons Support Why Eating MORE vegetables & Fruits Matters …
- Fruits and vegetables are major contributors of a number of nutrients that are under consumed in the U.S.—vitamins A, C and K, potassium, fiber and magnesium.
- Fruits and vegetables are associated with reduced risk of many chronic diseases.
- Fruits and vegetables are relatively low in calories which can replace high calorie foods that aid in weight gain.
Everything You Need To Know About Vegetables and Fruits
Eating at least 5 portions is not as hard as it sounds.
A portion is:
- 3 ounce of fresh, canned or frozen fruit and vegetables
- 1 ounce of dried fruit – which should be kept to mealtimes
- 1 glass of fruit juice or smoothie – but do not have more than 1 portion a day as these drinks are sugary and can damage teeth when using solely fruits and less vegetables, also I highly suggest you prepare your own juice and smoothie!
Just 1 apple, banana, pear or similar-sized fruit is 1 portion each.
A slice of pineapple or melon is also 1 portion, and 3 heaped tablespoons of vegetables is another portion.
Adding a tablespoon of dried fruit, such as raisins, to your morning cereal is an easy way to get 1 portion.
You could also swap your mid-morning biscuit for a banana, and add a side salad to your lunch.
In the evening, have a portion of vegetables with dinner and fresh fruit with plain, Greek yoghurt for dessert to reach your 5 A Day.
Discover Different Ways To Eat Vegetables and Fruits
Fruit and vegetables don’t have to be fresh to count as a portion. Nor do they have to be eaten on their own: they also count if they’re part of a meal or dish.
These all also count towards your 5 A Day:
- Frozen fruit and vegetables.
- Canned fruit and vegetables. Buy canned in natural juice or water, with no added sugar or salt. BPA free lining. If you can avoid canned it it is even better, several companies now us glass jars as well.
- Fruit and vegetables cooked in dishes such as soups, stews or pasta.
- One ounce portion of dried fruit, such as currants, dates, sultanas and figs, counts as 1 of your 5 A Day, but should be eaten at mealtimes, not as a between-meal snack, to reduce the impact on teeth.

Thanks Dee! I’ll try to get my intake in
I used to get pills but changed from eating fruits and vegetables to gain my vitamins. Thanks for helping me Dee!